Sunday, February 14, 2010

Worst Break up Mistakes You Must Not Make

Break ups are really unfortunate events because of all the pain and heartache that you and your ex go through. But unfortunately it doesn't end there and despite closing your doors, there is still a chance that maybe someday in the future, you'll get back together. It's important for you to know how to avoid the worst break up mistakes, so you can make sure that despite parting ways, you will still have a good relationship.

Blaming it all to your ex

Putting all the blame on your ex may make you feel better in the beginning but in the end it will only make things worse. It takes two to tango and the same goes in relationships, except part of the blame for the break up and then both you and your ex will be able to get over the heartache sooner.

Your ex might have had most of the faults but think about what you may have done to contribute to your relationships downfall. Even the little things can eat up the foundation the two of you built. So quit being bitter and blame it all on your ex. You'll feel better once you accept that things like this happen to the best of people and that it might be better for you that it ended.

Jump right in to the dating scene

There are a lot of individuals out there who jump at the chance of hooking up with somebody right after they have just ended the relationship. That is a bad idea. For one thing, you are still emotionally unstable and it's easy for you to make bad judgments. You don't know who you'll end up with.

It's better to give yourself some time and distance yourself from the dating scene. Take the time and concentrate on yourself first. Once you have fully accepted things especially the reasons why the relationship went bad, then you can say that you're indeed ready to date again.

Don't do anything that you might regret. The best way to do this is for you to just stop and give yourself some space and time to think. The worst break up mistakes can usually be avoided easily if you are just careful.

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